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Surprise, surprise!

Is anybody really surprised to see jobless claims jumping up after the election?   I think this just adds to the fishy smell that came out of the remarkable dip in unemployment right before the people went to cast their vote.   One can’t help but think that the previous numbers were artificially lowered to bolster the President’s re-election bid.   If so, the American people were bamboozled yet again by this guy.

The lame stream media has been trying to cover up the new numbers on behalf of the administration yet again but facts don’t support their claims.   They tried to level blame on the bad jobless claims numbers on Hurricane Sandy.   While New Jersey did see an increase in jobless claims they were offset by better numbers in New York according to the Labor Department.

Of all places, the increase in jobless claims is led by Ohio and Pennsylvania.   Two States that were hotly contested and whose voters were blasted with advertising that said Obama was the savior of the automobile industry and manufacturing.   Too bad for the folks who fell for that line of crap, the thousands of layoffs happened in construction, manufacturing and the auto industry.

So much for saving industries.   We are seeing the beginning of layoffs, scaled back hours, and rising consumer prices (inflation) all the while increasing our debt.   We’re on our way to making Greece and Spain look like economic successes.